Fifteen people are participating in the Great Topics Seminar “Eudora Welty and Politics: Did the Writer Crusade?” at Millsaps College during spring semester 2013. Teaching the class is Dr. Suzanne Marrs, professor of English and Welty Foundation Scholar-in-Residence.
Participants include, seated from left, Alec Valentine of Clinton, Dr. Phyllis Hollenbeck of Jackson, Dr. John Bower of Brandon, Ann Bittick of Jackson, and Alfreda Spell of Jackson. Standing from left, Rev. Martha Blount of Jackson, Jeanne Luckett of Jackson, Marsha Cannon of Jackson, Dr. Bridget Edwards of Jackson, Katrina Byrd of Jackson, Dr. Suzanne Marrs of Jackson, Dr. Virginia Lee Cora of Jackson, Anna Marie Barnes of Jackson, and Dr. Nola Gibson of Madison. Not pictured are Sallie Fordice of Vicksburg and Laura Magee of Jackson.